Customer ratings for Electrolux motor filter EF1

Electrolux motor filter EF1
Product no.: 100000561
Incl. VAT 24%
Delivery weight: 20 g

Universal vacuum cleaner motor filter. Fits inside the cleaner, after dust bag & before motor. Size: 204 x 295 mm. Thickness circa 2 mm. Cut the filter cloth to the needed size.

Estimated delivery time: 2-7 business days.

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Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 4.8
Great filter media, great service
from Desert Tortoise on 22/09/2022
We used to be able to buy this in the US but Electrolux Group left. No other filter media is as good. Being able to buy it ffrom and for such a reasonable prices is really appreciated.
from Count Vacula on 14/06/2022
This product has not been available in the US since 2018. There is no synthetic filter media even close to as good as EF-1 sold in the US today so I was thrilled to be able to buy it here and have it sent to my home in the US.I will soon buy more.
from Anonymous on 26/09/2016
Tuote alkuperäistä vastaava.
from Anonymous on 26/01/2016
Lyhyt toimitusaika. Tuote toimii hyvin.
Hyvä ja toimiva
from Anonymous on 21/02/2013

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